Exhibitor at ‘Save the Planet’ 2015
Your slogan is ‘Developing Solutions for Greener Tomorrow’ – please introduce briefly the HELECTOR’s activities in waste management field.
HELECTOR is the waste management arm of ELLACTOR Group, a fully integrated Group able to provide vertical solutions throughout the waste management sector. The main services are focused on construction, technology provision (know–how), operation, and investments, while the main applications are closely affiliated with recycling, waste treatment, waste to energy production and disposal.
HELECTOR is developing solutions for a greener tomorrow in compliance with European Waste Hierarchy using environmental friendly technologies and patents through its German subsidiaries aiming at waste prevention and minimization, reuse, recycling, energy recovery and lastly waste disposal. Via the biological waste treatment with the use of advanced technologies such as HERHOF GMBH and LOOCK BIOGAS it produces SRF, compost and biogas, namely energy from waste.
The experience of HELECTOR so far includes 9 Mechanical Biological Treatment Plants with cumulative capacity of approximately 1.3 million tons, 15 Anaerobic Digestion Plants with a cumulative capacity of almost 213 thousand tons and 7 Mechanical Biological Treatment Plants under construction. According to 2012 data, HELECTOR’s implemented projects regarding landfilling, energy from waste production, composting, sorting and recycling are represented by:
an annual energy production of more than 220,000 MWh
an annual recovery of 45,000 tons of recyclable material
an annual production of 200,000 tons of secondary fuel (SRF, RDF).
What projects are you currently working on in South-East Europe?
HELECTOR is active in Germany, the market with the strictest environmental requirements and constitutes an undisputable leader in Greece and Cyprus. Furthermore, its corporate strategy includes further expansion in foreign markets. HELECTOR is currently constructing 2 MBT plants in Croatia with a total capacity of 190,000 tons p.a., holds signed contracts in Russian Federation (St. Petersburg – 1st waste management plant under a PPP scheme with a capacity of 350,000 kta), Jordan (Landfill Rehabilitation & Biogas exploitation project) and Turkey while at the same time has presence and bids for projects in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Lithuania. It has to be noted that at the moment HELECTOR’s total backlog exceeds € 200 mill.
HELECTOR, through its operations, treats over 600,000 tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) annually, while it undertakes the operation of landfill facilities with annual incoming capacity of 2 million tons of MSW annually; hence serving the waste management needs of more than 5.5 million people.
Your company will participate for the first time at ‘Save the Planet’. What are your goals and on what will you emphasize during your participation?
The main goals during our participation are to emphasize:
HELECTOR’s vast experience in the field of waste management throughout its international presence and diversified operations with projects in Germany, Croatia, Russia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Jordan, etc.
HELECTOR’s independence from third parties in terms of an integrated waste management process which enables the company to offer customized solutions according to the client’s requirements, the needs of the case region and also the composition of waste to be treated
HELECTOR’s know-how as well as the high qualification standards of its people which are a critical prerequisite in the waste management sector
On seeking to build long lasting partnerships with Local Authorities, Solid Waste Management Organizations.
Source: www.viaexpo.com